Measles Cases on the Rise in Austria: Health Experts Express Concern

by time news

2024-02-02 14:31:00

Vienna – A noticeable increase in measles cases has been registered in Austria. On Friday, the Agency for Health and Food Security (Ages) reported eleven infections each for this week and last week. Judith Aberle, professor of viral immunology at the Med-Uni Vienna, wrote this week on the X platform (formerly Twitter) about a “drastic increase in measles because many are no longer vaccinating themselves and their children.” Many suspected measles samples are currently arriving at the Med-University Center for Virology, which shows that “this worrying development is continuing.” If you suspect measles with a rash and fever as well as red eyes, the doctor or hospital should be contacted before a visit so that further infections do not occur in waiting rooms and outpatient clinics, the doctor advised.

#Measles #cases #increasing #week #Health

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