Medical gown outside hospitals, an incorrect practice?

by time news

2024-02-01 23:00:51

The medical gown It is the most distinctive part of health professionals. It is part of your uniform and even from university it is necessary to buy one. Although their main objective is protection, it is also necessary to use them appropriately or else they can be harmful.

One of the first actions that the Medicine students is to buy a robe. They always do it with great enthusiasm and pride because it is the ultimate symbol of the profession. There are even various brands and models that you can choose from.

Medical gown, why did it arise?

The garment not only distinguishes a doctor but also has a use or at least that was the case at the beginning. Due to the high number of pathogens that exist in hospitals A way was sought to offer protection to doctors.

Medical gowns offer few benefits and are harmful to health

According to historians, at the end of the 19th century the custom of using short sleeve white coats to perform surgeries. While until several decades later, current accessories such as face masks and gloves were used.

Who is the inventor of the medical gown?

Specifically, it is said that a doctor was responsible for the daily use of this garment. Its about Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, who was one of the pioneers in intrahospital hygiene. In his case, he identified that newborns who were cared for by midwives who encouraged hand washing were more likely to survive than the rest.

A bad habit that must disappear

Today a conventional medical gown has long sleeves and is conventionally white. Although its use within hospitals is justified, the problem is generated by a practice that many classify as erroneous.

Everything is generated by the habit that many students and professional doctors have of Wear your gown outside the hospital. Most of the time they do not even take it off to eat at the stalls located around their workspace.

Although it may seem like an exaggeration, it is actually a quite harmful custom that puts not only the wearer of the gown at risk but also the patients. The fabric naturally accommodates various pathogens from the outside environment and enters them into the offices and other areas of the hospitals.

In accordance with an investigation 16 percent of the gowns were identified as containing MRSA bacteria. In turn, 42 percent showed signs of the gram-negative class.

But the law They are not the only ones to blame. It was also discovered that stethoscopes and cell phones are also a place where harmful bacteria hide. In this situation, it is advisable to clean them frequently to avoid any type of contagion.

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