Meghalaya Chief Minister Opposes Common Civil Code: Diversity is Our Strength

by time news

Title: Meghalaya Chief Minister Opposes Common Civil Code, Citing Diversity as Strength

Date: [Date]

Shillong: Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma, leader of the National People’s Party, has expressed his opposition to the implementation of a Common Civil Code in India, stating that it goes against the country’s diverse culture. Sangma made his remarks during a press conference in Shillong on Friday, emphasizing the unique cultural and social structure of the Northeast region.

Sangma highlighted that the Northeast region has a matrilineal society and underlined the importance of preserving its cultural strength. He emphasized that diversity is the backbone of India’s culture and should not be compromised. However, Sangma also noted that he was unable to provide detailed opinions without first examining the content of the proposed bill.

In contrast, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emphasized the need for a Common Civil Code to ensure equal treatment under the law. Speaking at a training meeting for BJP executives in Bhopal, Modi stressed that the country cannot be governed by different sets of laws and that enforcing a unified civil law is essential. He accused certain groups of spreading misinformation and confusion about the Common Civil Code among the public.

The Aam Aadmi Party and Shiv Sena (UDP) have shown support for the implementation of a Common Civil Code, while most opposition parties have opposed it. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law has invited representatives from the Law Commission and the Ministry of Law for a discussion on the General Civil Law.

The Law Commission has already invited public opinions on the General Civil Law until July 14. The commission has received comments from millions of people across the country. All political parties have been given the opportunity to submit their views and objections to the Law Commission.

The opposition to the General Civil Code by the National People’s Party, an ally of the BJP, has sparked confusion within the National Democratic Alliance. During the previous Assembly elections in Meghalaya, the National People’s Party contested independently due to disagreements over corruption allegations with the BJP. The BJP supported Conrad Sangma’s party to form the government after the elections.

Reports suggest that the government plans to table the General Civil Code in the upcoming monsoon session of Parliament. If the bill is sent, the Parliamentary Standing Committee will gather opinions from various stakeholders on the proposed General Civil Law.

The debate surrounding the Common Civil Code continues, with proponents seeing it as a means to promote equality and opponents highlighting the importance of preserving the diverse cultural fabric of the country. The discussions and consultations with various stakeholders will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the General Civil Code in India.

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