Meloni congratulates Mitsotakis for the victory

by time news

2023-06-26 10:55:14 – “I congratulated Mitsotakis for the electoral success. I sent him warmest wishes Good work”. The Prime Minister, Giorgia Melonsthus explains on Twitter that “Italy and Greece together can achieve important results for the benefit of our peoples, our nations and our continent”.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ conservatives won the absolute majority at greek electionsand allowing the leader to obtain a new mandate as head of government.

New Democracy (ND), in power since 2019 at the end of last May, obtained the 40.55% of the votesmore than double that of its main opponent, the left-wing party of former premier Alexis Tsipras, Syriza, which had already suffered a heavy defeat in the previous vote last month when, however, the victory of ND was not enough to guarantee the majority.

© Louisa Gouliamaki / AFP

Greek leader Mitsotakis

Today Syriza it stopped at 17.84%. With this result, 158 of the 300 seats in the parliament, which in Greece has only one chamber, should go to the right. Tomorrow, Mitsotakis will go at 11 to the presidential palace in Athens where the president Katerina Sakellaropoulou will give him the job.”

“For the second time in a few weeks – he said – the people have given us a strong mandate to move forward towards i big changeswhat the country needs,” the 55-year-old leader told his supporters.

Among the promises for which he was elected there are wage increases, especially for the lowest ones, to meet the main concern of the Greeks grappling with inflation.

The premier claimed his own during his electoral campaign economic balance sheet, which has seen GDP grow by 5.9% in 2022 and unemployment fall after a decade of crisis. “New Democracy is the strongest centre-right party in Europe,” said the leader.

In 2019, the party had obtained 39.85% of the votes, and 40.79% on 21 May, which was not enough to have an absolute majority. This is why he had called for new elections, counting on the majority bonus. Syriza, which confirms itself as the main opposition party, has instead been punished by the Greeks who definitely want to turn the page after the years of bitter financial crisis where international bailouts had depleted them.

Third party is the socialist one of the enter, then come the KKE communists and follow 4 small formations. Among these, the extreme right of the Spartans obtained 4.6%, exceeding the threshold of 3% and gaining surprise access to Parliament. It is a party supported by a former member of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn group, Ilias Kassidiaris, who is serving a 13-and-a-half-year sentence in prison.

Elected for the first time in 2012, in the midst of the Greek economic crisis, the exponents of that party were sentenced to heavy prison sentences for violence and murders with which they attacked migrants and political opponents.

#Meloni #congratulates #Mitsotakis #victory

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