Meloni intensifies its offensive against the children of homosexual couples

by time news

2023-06-23 16:09:29

More than 30 families have begun to receive notifications from the Padua authorities, after the Prosecutor’s Office of this northern Italian city decided that the names of non-biological mothers should be removed from the family books, so they would lose all their rights over the minor, who would no longer carry the surname of that parent.

The mirrors of Poland and Hungary: a ‘fine rain’ against equality policies and LGTBI rights


This Friday, the families called “rainbow” have demonstrated in front of the Padua Civil Court, where they have placed 33 dolls on the ground, representing 33 minors who will be affected by the measure adopted by the new Padua prosecutor, Valeria Sanzari. .

According to the Italian newspaper The print, families have thus protested the decision that affects not only babies registered in recent months (since the Italian Ministry of the Interior ordered mayors to stop registering the children of homosexual couples), but also children who They were born and were registered from the year 2017 to the present.

“What the Prosecutor’s Office has decided, which also applies retroactively, is a political action that will have disastrous effects on the future lives of these children as well,” MP Alessandro Zan, from the main opposition party, told the media ( PS), who has attended the silent protest in Padua.

harsh criticism

“This right that takes it with the rights of children is scary,” says Nicola Fratoianni, of the Italian Left party. He imagines the repercussions of challenging the records: “Think of a child who is used to being called by a last name and who, perhaps, will see it changed by a bureaucratic act.”

Even some allies of Giorgia Meloni have criticized the decision of the Padua Prosecutor’s Office: MEP Alessandra Mussolini, granddaughter of the Italian fascist dictator, has said that “it is like dropping a bomb on a family that hits only the children.” The MEP from the conservative group, who has long shown her sympathy for the LGTBI collective, has added in a video broadcast on his Twitter account that “an attempt is being made to break a chain of affections that is already consolidated.”

The Asociation Famiglie Arcobaleno (rainbow families) have denounced this “shameful and unworthy act in a civilized country”. In a statement this week, the association affirms that in the past years no certificate had been challenged, but that “the Government, since it took office (last October), has acted systematically to erase the rights of children” of LGTBQI+ families who are members of this association. “It is good that Italian civil society realizes that a real persecution of children with two moms or two dads is taking place, and takes a position accordingly,” he adds.

For this reason, Famiglie Arcobaleno has offered to defend and financially assist the more than 30 affected in Padua: “We will defend the legitimacy of these birth certificates (…) which only recognize and represent the family identity of these children and girls”, he announced in a tweet, in which he stated “We will not stop, you will not stop us!”.

rebel mayors

What has happened in Padua could be repeated in other municipalities whose mayors have disobeyed the guidelines of the Interior Minister, Matteo Piantedosi, who about three months ago sent a document to the local administrations asking them to suspend the registration of newborns of homosexual couples as well as the transcription of birth certificates of children born abroad by surrogacy.

the minister explained in the Chamber of Deputies that, according to the regulations in force in Italy, “birth certificates in which same-sex parents are indicated, as well as the acknowledgment of filiation by the same-sex parent of the surrogate mother, are not allowed”. The transcription of birth certificates of children abroad “from surrogate gestation” is also not allowed, as pointed out by the head of the Interior in response to a question in the chamber.

However, several opposition mayors, at the head of some prominent cities, including Milan and Rome, have flouted those rules and the guidelines of the far-right government. This June, the mayor of Rome, Robert Gualtierihas registered the children of two lesbian couples, born abroad, in a “legitimate act”, according to their own words.

The children of an Italian-French couple and another Italian-British one already had a certificate in which the two mothers appeared, issued in their countries of birth, so the mayor of the capital did not want to “exclude the non-biological mother ” in Italy. “We are inaugurating normality for a civilized country, it is the full recognition of reality,” declared Gualtieri after challenging the central government.

For her part, the Minister for the Family, Eugenia Roccella, has not assessed the decision of the Padua Prosecutor’s Office, but has made it clear, in an interview on channel Nove (critical of the Government), that the problem has been caused by those disobedient mayors.

The Minister of Meloni recalled that there is a procedure called “adoption in special cases”, which the non-biological parent in a same-sex couple can resort to, as established the Court of Cassation in a judgment of last December. And he added that heterosexual couples also obtain recognition of a non-biological child through this route and, if homosexual couples did so in another way, it would be “discriminatory” for the former.


However, Minister Roccella has admitted that a solution is necessary for the children born and registered up to now, and has been in favor of a “moratorium”. She has also said that a distinction must be made between people who resort to surrogacy and pregnant women.

In this way, the exponent of Meloni’s party, Brothers of Italy, has once again linked homosexual couples with surrogacy, something that the Government has done in recent months. The political formation has promoted a bill so that surrogacy is considered a “universal crime” and, therefore, Italian couples who go to another country to avoid the prohibition of this method may be persecuted in Italy, where they would face to up to two years in prison.

Despite the fact that the rule would affect heterosexual couples to a greater extent, those who resort to this type of pregnancy the most, LGTBI associations and representatives have denounced that the Government seeks to attack this group and take away their rights with this proposed law that is being debated.

This Friday, it has also been known the decision of a Milan court which establishes the annulment of the transcription of the birth certificate of a child, born by surrogacy and registered abroad as the son of two Italian men, who thus lose paternity in Italy, where it is prohibited to “rent” a womb.

The same court has dismissed the cancellation of the name of the non-biological mother from the birth certificate of three children conceived by assisted reproduction, also outside the country. One of the lawyers for the three couples has welcomed the decision and, in statements collected by the Italian agency ANSA, has said that “the filiation cannot be erased with a stroke of the pen, according to the Italian legal system, as the Government claims and some prosecutors. And he has been convinced that the Padua court will also adopt a decision that agrees with the rainbow families.

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