Meloni “Thanks to Al Sisi, the pardon to Zaki is a very important gesture” – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-07-19 19:36:02

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Patrick Zaki today received a pardon from the President of the Egyptian Republic. I want to thank President Al Sisi for this very important gesture.” Thus the premier Giorgia Meloni in a video message on the pardon granted by Al Sisi to Zaki.
“Since our first meeting last November – added Meloni, always referring to the Egyptian president -, I have never stopped asking the question. I have always found his attention and availability from him. And I want to thank the intelligence, the Italian and Egyptian diplomats, who in recent months have never stopped working to arrive at the desired solution. Tomorrow Patrick Zaki will return to Italy and I wish him a life of serenity and success from the bottom of my heart”.

– photo screenshot from Palazzo Chigi video –


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