Men are avoiding responsibilities at home, warns theologian

by time news

Although the topic of masculinity is being talked about a lot these days, even erroneously as through the RedPill movement, many men seem to want to stop assuming responsibilities, becoming silent within their own family.

This is what theologian and author Greg Morse points out in an article written for the Coalition for the Gospel. In his text, Morse states that it has been increasingly common for wives to complain about husbands who do not leave the sofa and in front of the TV.

These are men who believe they are exercising good leadership just because they have a job and/or perform basic tasks at home, but who do not invest in the spiritual development of their children, their wives and in different skills for the good of the family.

“We see that Adam’s passivity is echoed in countless marriages today. The temptation to be emotionally and spiritually absent while being physically present has only changed hair styles over time,” explains Morse.

“The same repose, not very virile, still invites men to recline in the passenger seat. God calls husbands today with the same question he asked in the garden: ‘Adam, where are you?’


Faced with the current passivity of men, Morse offers some advice, the first being the understanding that the wife’s happiness is synonymous with the husband’s happiness, which should be a priority.

“It can be said in an eternal perspective: happy wife (in the Lord), happy life. But the most common meaning of this phrase cannot be forgotten: a man’s life is less miserable when a woman gets what she wants, ”says the author.

Morse, however, recalls that this happiness should not be irresponsible, in this case, at any cost, as man will need to make delicate decisions that may cause conflict, as long as they are based on the Word of God.

“Long-lasting joy in marriages is found when living the drama of Christ and his bride, not of Adam and his”, recalls the author in the text shared by Voltamos ao Gospel.

Finally, Morse advises men to understand the meaning of sacrificial leadership, which consists of following the example of Jesus Christ. It is a model that does not impose itself through spoken authority or passive servitude, but through the example of love and the exercise of responsibility.

“The well-meaning servant who does not lead, in an honest attempt to love and serve his wife, forfeits the kind of service that undermines his calling to be a husband and take responsibility, take initiative and feel the weight of the most difficult decisions.” says the author.

“Instead, I prefer sacrificial leadership: ‘Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.’ (Ephesians 5.25). It is leadership that, without relinquishing its responsibility or apologizing for its authority, sees its role as a call to care first for the good of family and neighbor.”

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