Mercury: “The Netanyahu family blames Shrik in Balfour”, Magal: “You drove the brain crazy”

by time news

Ben Caspit Winon Magal This morning (Monday) they opened their program on 103FM with questions about the Prime Minister’s residence in Balfour thatNaftali Bennett Has not yet entered it, due to renovations. Magal said: “I remembered that Bennett gave Netanyahu an ultimatum to leave Balfour within two weeks. The main thing is to evacuate. Since the house stands, no one leaves and no one comes. So how does the Netanyahu family live there if he is unfit and unworthy?”

Caspit replied: “The only culprits in the fact that Balfour is now empty are members of the Netanyahu family, who have refused to evacuate him for years when the GSS demanded an upgrade of the house. “The lady was willing to evacuate Balfour, only on the condition that Caesarea be renovated first.”

Later, Magal referred to Ayala Hasson’s investigation in News 13, according to which Bennett’s private home was upgraded by about NIS 50 million. According to Yinon, “If Netanyahu had done what Bennett was doing here, you would have shouted. Everything that Netanyahu did, you turned the country. You drove the brain crazy, you did not let him control. But Bennett, when tens of millions renovate his house, why are you silent? “Why are you backing it up? Why are you improving it?”

Ben replied: “They are not renovating Bennett’s house. Everything they are doing now in Raanana, they would have done even if Bennett had moved to Balfour. This is security, and they are installing the means that the prime minister needs at home,” “.

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The two then argued over the Ukrainian president’s speech Volodymyr Zlansky Before Knesset members yesterday, during which he compared what was happening in his country to the Holocaust of European Jews.

Magal attacked: “He is a bit cheeky. They were not on the right side of history in the Holocaust and not just there. What is this thing? I have no argument for Bennett in this matter. I have a problem with Zalanski. We have interests with Russia and we have interests in Syria “And it may be that all this mediation was unnecessary for them to deal with on their own. We have no moral debt to Ukraine and we should not jump in. They should not come to us with requests. We help, we sent to the hospital we accept refugees, we tried to mediate.”

Speech by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zlansky before Knesset members (Photo: screenshot)

He added: “I ask that they respect this and not come to us with complaints. I am disturbed by the reaction of Yair Lapid, the Deputy Prime Minister – he destroyed our relations with Poland because they blurred their responsibility for the murder of Jews during the Holocaust and took a very extreme position, in my opinion Too strong. And in this case he tweets after the scandalous Zlanski speech, does not criticize him. I condemn the attack on Ukraine and thank President Zalansky for sharing his feelings and the plight of the Ukrainian people with members of the Knesset and the government. We will continue to help the Ukrainian people as much as we can. “You are going to be the prime minister of the State of Israel if you are applied to the honor of the state and I do not forgive you. Such a speech should be responded to and protested and they are silent and that is wrong.”

Caspit replied: “So why when he does not apologize for Israel’s honor against Poland did you scream? Suddenly it turns upside down? Lapid’s reaction is great because we need to show maturity. I resent any use of the word even by Jews, Holocaust was one however I did not like what he said yesterday however he sees atrocities in the eyes killing his citizens and in almost every speech in front of parliament to the Germans he said they are building the Berlin Wall – he is fighting “About his life. That’s the situation.”

He added: “You pushed Netanyahu to travel to the United States and harass an American president with whom he had to sign a ten-year security assistance agreement and attack our policy, and that’s okay? Zalansky made a mistake, the comparison he had to make is to the War of Independence because that is what is happening to him now. 5 armies of Arab countries have invaded us and we are alone and no one is helping us – this is the situation. His mistake is understandable and can be contained. “

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Ofri Glichman, 103fm

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