Merk anti Covid pill from today in Italy: how it works and how much it costs

by time news

Anti Covid pill: the first authorized drug for the treatment of Coronavirus debuts today in Italy. Distribution to the Regions began in the past few hours

The drug arrived in Italy today molnupiravir produced by Brand, or the first pill approved against the Covid-19. As per the determination ofAifa (Italian drug agency) distribution to the Regions, approved in emergency conditions by Decree of Ministry of Health of November 26, 2021, began on this very day. According to the manufacturer, the drug is able to halve the risk of hospitalization and death, but a revision of theMom (European Medicines Agency) of 14 December set the risk reduction at 30%.

Merk anti Covid pill: how it works and how much it costs

The molnupiravir is an oral antiviral which is indicated for use within 5 days of the onset of symptoms. The duration of treatment, which consists of taking 4 tablets (200 mg) 2 times a day, is 5 days, and should be started when symptoms appear. It is distributed by Commissioner structure Everyone Regions from today, and for its prescription the use of a Tracking log. It is not for everyone: the indications speak of “treatment of non-hospitalized patients for Covid-19 with mild to moderate disease of recent onset and with concomitant clinical conditions representing specific risk factors for the development of Covid-19 serious “. Patients at risk, in short, but not yet in serious conditions USA each course of therapy costs 700 dollars.

In any case, it is the first antiviral drug authorized specifically against Covid, moreover to be taken orally at home. The drug works by interfering with the ability of the virus to replicate: it was designed to introduce errors into the genetic code of the virus, preventing its duplication and therefore reducing the risk of causing serious disease. The drug also does not affect the proteina spike of the virus, the key to access the virus in the cell, and this should guarantee efficacy regardless of the variants.

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