Metallica with new album 72 Seasons: Monotonous and too long?

by time news

2023-04-21 14:33:19

Nhe metal music was more powerful than it was in 1991. Metallica, who had just released their best and most successful album, played open air in Moscow. At “Enter Sandman” the crowd surged to the unforeseeable horizon. It must have been millions. The music was so loud that it drowned out the helicopters circling above the crowds and probably let the rocks trickle on the moon. USA flags were waved, Red Army soldiers tore open their uniforms and hugged the fans. This Youtube video is one of the most impressive documents from the “end of history”. Western pop seemed to have conquered eastern communism. Somewhere Putin was rumbling.

There’s a song on Metallica’s new album 72 Seasons that’s heavily reminiscent of Enter Sandman and those glory days with its suspense-building opening riff. Only the chorus of “Sleepwalk My Life Away” doesn’t quite ignite; but the piece is almost twice as long. “You Must Burn” also has a predecessor on the self-titled “Black Album”, the song “Sad But True”. Except that the new track isn’t that good. James Hetfield sings of the obscurity of the Inquisition: “Question yourself, you may learn / You are the witch, you must burn.”

#Metallica #album #Seasons #Monotonous #long

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