Meteor Shower In India, there will be rain of stars from the sky, an amazing sight is seen once in 100 years, know when it will be seen – eta aquariid meteor shower how and when you see the meteor of 3000 years old Halley’s comet – 2024-05-04 13:03:30

by times news cr

2024-05-04 13:03:30
Washington: In the coming days, a very surprising and rare sight is going to be seen in space, for which astronomers have started preparations. Our Earth will pass through the dusty debris of Halley’s Comet, causing a meteor shower in space. During this time, a sight like fireworks will be seen in the sky. Meteorite is also called falling star. These are rocks and other materials moving in space, which burn as soon as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere. Due to their burning, a bright line is visible in space.

The best view will be on 5th May

This rare phenomenon will be visible from the night of May 4 and is likely to be at its strongest in the morning of May 5. However, NASA has said that due to an unexpected eruption, lucky people may be able to see it between May 2 and May 6. According to Bill Cook, who monitors meteorites at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, many of the shooting stars we’re seeing this year are debris from Halley’s Comet.

Comet passes through solar system every 76 years

Halley’s Comet is 3000 years old, passing through our inner solar system every 76 years. During this time it leaves behind its dusty debris. When the Earth enters debris while moving on its orbital path, these bodies burn up due to coming in contact with the atmosphere. During this time we can see streaks of light in space. These debris sometimes also occur in groups. In such a situation, when it hits the atmosphere, it can show the sight of a meteorite explosion.

Where will it be visible from?

Astronomers can see the meteors before dawn in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. However, its view will be good on the southern hemisphere. NASA has said that during this period, observers can see 30 meteorites an hour under ideal conditions. Halley’s Comet is considered to be the most famous comet. According to NASA, it was last seen from Earth in 1986 and will return to the inner solar system in 2061.

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