Mexican nurse dies from self-liposuction

by time news
  • The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery places Mexico within the first five places with respect to the countries that carry out more aesthetic procedures.
  • A nurse from a private clinic in Cuernavaca tried to carry out an abdominal autoliposuction but after applying local anesthesia she suffered sudden cardiorespiratory arrest.
  • The event occurred while the head surgeon of the clinic was traveling to attend the International Congress of the Mexican Council of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery.

One of the maximum indications in terms of health is always to avoid self-medication. The same goes for procedures because a person should never operate on themselves. The consequences can be of different magnitudes and the clearest example has just occurred in our country. Everything was generated by a nurse who decided to have liposuction and the outcome was fatal.

Mexicans love cosmetic surgeries

In the first instance, it is necessary to remember that the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) places Mexico within the first five places with respect to the countries that carry out the most aesthetic procedures.

One of the most requested interventions is the liposuction. But although it is such a common procedure, the biggest problem occurs when it is not performed by a certified surgeon.

In fact, one of the most serious problems facing countries like Mexico is the proliferation of fake plastic surgeons. Sometimes they are general practitioners who have only taken courses or seminars that lack official validity. And in another they are not even doctors but falsify their documents to deceive patients.

Therefore, the best recommendation is to only see a doctor who has the Plastic Surgery subspecialty and must also be certified. This ensures that you have the necessary knowledge to perform an operation.

A nurse can never perform liposuction

Now is the time to talk about a painful case that occurred in Cuernavaca. As already mentioned, the only specialist who has the knowledge to carry out a liposuction is a plastic surgeon. With this in mind, a nurse can never carry out this type of intervention… and even less on herself.

According to El Sol de Cuernavaca, a fatal incident was recorded in a private institution in that town. Everything was caused by Carina “N”, who was a 39-year-old nurse who worked at the Samper clinic.

In this sense, on his own initiative and without authorization from his superiors the nurse attempted to undergo a procedure called “abdominal auto liposuction”. To fulfill its mission, local anesthesia was applied in an incorrect dose. As a consequence, a few minutes later she suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest. Despite the efforts of his colleagues who were in the building, it was impossible to prevent his death.

An investigation was immediately opened into the nurse who performed liposuction on herself. In this regard, the Dr. A.S. Rolando Samperwho is the owner of the clinic, published a video where he offers an explanation of what happened.

What it indicates is that the nurse attempted to perform self-liposuction without your permission or consent. He also mentions that he was in Guadalajara to attend the International Congress of the Mexican Council of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (AMCPER) when the incident occurred.

In any case, he makes it clear that he is willing to collaborate with the authorities’ investigation. But if there is anything to be learned from this sad fact, it is that health professionals should be the first to follow medical instructions. Not only is it about the bad example they set for others, but they also put their own integrity at risk.

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