Miami-Dade Police Director Alfredo Ramirez In Critical Condition After Apparent Suicide Attempt

by time news

Miami-Dade Police Director Critically Injured in Apparent Suicide Attempt in Tampa

TAMPA — Miami-Dade Police Director Alfredo “Freddy” Ramirez is in critical but stable condition after an apparent suicide attempt that occurred during a law enforcement conference in Tampa, authorities and sources have revealed.

Ramirez, 52, was quickly rushed into surgery at a hospital in Tampa following the incident on Sunday. The extent of his injuries and his prognosis have not been disclosed at this time.

The Miami-Dade Police Department released a short statement early Monday, stating that they had been informed by Tampa police about Ramirez’s “critical injury.” They asked for prayers and support during this difficult time.

Law enforcement sources disclosed that Ramirez allegedly shot himself in the head, indicating an attempted suicide. The incident reportedly took place alongside Interstate 75 in Hillsborough County. The Florida Highway Patrol and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement are currently investigating the incident. The specific location of the incident is yet to be determined.

Ramirez had traveled to Tampa with his wife to attend a summer meeting of Florida’s Sheriff Association. Just two months ago, he had announced his candidacy for sheriff next year.

Ramirez was appointed as police director in 2020 under former Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez. Later, Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava promoted Ramirez to oversee the police department and Miami-Dade Fire Rescue as interim chief of public safety. He eventually assumed the role permanently.

The office of the Miami-Dade Mayor released a statement on Monday, expressing support for Ramirez and his family. The mayor traveled to Tampa to be with Ramirez and his loved ones in the hospital. “All that matters right now is Chief Ramirez’s wellbeing,” she stated, “and I join his family, his loved ones, and all his Miami-Dade Police Department and Miami-Dade County family in praying for his swift recovery.”

The Miami Police Department and the Miramar Police Department also extended their support and well wishes to Ramirez and his family. They urged the community to unite and send positive energy for his healing.

As investigations continue into the incident, the law enforcement community and the public alike are hoping for Ramirez’s rapid recovery and the support he needs during this challenging time.

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