Minister Anurag Thakur urged to publish neutral news

by time news
New Delhi: Media must ensure neutral reporting. Union Minister Anurag Singh Thakur said that the views of all parties should be accommodated.

The Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Training Center for Information and Broadcasting Development (AIBT) was held in New Delhi. Inaugurating this meeting, Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Singh Thakur, a member of the BJP, spoke:

The mainstream media faces a huge challenge in preserving media ethics and its values ​​and publishing authentic, reliable and accurate information. The challenge for mainstream media is not digital media; The main challenge is the actions of the mainstream media.

The true job of journalism is to inform the people in an unbiased manner and to record the views of all parties.

When ‘TV’ channels host debates and invite myth-mongers and wild shouters as guests, their credibility is undermined.

I believe that journalists have a duty to report truthful, unbiased stories, even if they are forced to compete with those who spread false information. Thus he spoke.

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