Minister Hili Trooper is trying to help Hapoel in Beer Sheva

by time news

A little more than 48 hours remain until the opening whistle of the rematch between Hapoel Beer Sheva and the Swiss Lugano, as part of the third round of the Conference League (2:0 advantage for Hapoel Beer Sheva). As of this time, no one can say for sure where the game will take place.

The beginning of the drama this morning: UEFA (the European Football Association) officially announced this morning (Tuesday) that the meeting is expected to take place at the stadium in Netanya, following the ‘Dawn’ operation in the Gaza Strip last weekend. In Be’er Sheva they maintained media silence and tried to act against the decision. In the last few minutes, in the capital of the Negev they ‘pulled out’ the heaviest cannon they could muster for the campaign:

A few minutes ago Hili Trooper, Minister of Culture and Sports and member of the Security-Political Cabinet, issued an official letter to Oren Hasson, the chairman of the Football Association, in which he explained the reasons why Beer Sheva should host the game at home and not travel to other places.

“It was brought to my attention that a decision was made to hold the game in Netanya instead of the ‘Turner’ stadium in Be’er Sheva due to the security situation last weekend,” the minister wrote in his letter. “This decision was understandable, reasonable and responsible for the time it was taken. However, as a minister in the Israeli government, and as a participant in the security-political cabinet, I am happy to inform you that the reason for the change of venue is behind us,” the minister wrote.

“It is important to mention that routine has returned to the southern settlements in general, and Be’er Sheva in particular. Life has returned to normal activity and all restrictions have been lifted,” Troper added. “There is no security obstacle to holding the game in Beer Sheva. This is an injustice to the fans, a serious sporting injustice to the team that can and should be avoided.” Trooper asked Hasson to forward the letter to the decision makers at UEFA in order to change the decision that was made, as mentioned, in the morning hours.

The club sees Minister Troper’s letter as a last resort to change the decision. If the request of Minister Trooper and the soccer association is rejected by UEFA, there will be no escape from holding the match at the stadium in Netanya. “After the final decision is made regarding the location of the match,” the club said, “we will inform the ticket buyers in an orderly message.”

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