Minister of Social Services calls for talks on preventing children and young people from criminal networks

by time news

Today, January 16, the Minister of Social Services invites all parties in the Riksdag to talks. The meeting is held against the background of the extremely serious situation Sweden finds itself in, where more and more and younger children and young people are being recruited into criminal networks.

– Dealing with the societal challenges Sweden is facing is a complex and long-term task. It will take time and require commitment and prioritization from all actors in society. Therefore, it is particularly important that the solutions that are developed are long-term and have broad political roots, says Social Services Minister Camilla Waltersson Grönvall.

On 30 November, a special debate was held in the Riksdag on measures to prevent children and young people from being drawn into criminal networks. At the debate, the Minister of Social Services presented the importance of broad political agreements in the area and invited all parties in the Riksdag for deliberations with the aim of finding common ways forward.

That’s why Camilla Waltersson Grönvall is now gathering all parties in the Riksdag for talks and discussions about one of the most important societal challenges of our time. On this occasion, the minister will present the government’s crime prevention work. At the meeting, all parties are also given the opportunity to submit views and suggestions on how society can support and protect children and young people who are in the risk zone for crime.

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