Miraculous Survival: New Zealand Man Rescued After 24 Hours in Ocean

by time news

New Zealand Fisherman Survives Nearly 24 Hours Floating in Ocean After Shark Encounter

A New Zealand man’s solo fishing trip took a terrifying turn when he fell off his boat near the Alderman Islands off New Zealand’s northern coastline. The man, who has not been identified, spent nearly 24 hours floating in the ocean before being rescued by three fishermen on another boat.

According to Whangamatā Police sergeant Will Hamilton, the man fell overboard after hooking a large fish and his boat continued out of reach. He attempted to swim to the Alderman Islands, but strong currents pulled him away, leaving him stranded in the open water.

During his time in the ocean, the man encountered a shark, which swam up to him to “have a sniff,” but fortunately left him alone. The man was not able to keep swimming and spent the night in the water, hoping for a rescue.

The following day, three fishermen on a nearby boat noticed an unusual reflection on the water and upon investigation, found the man desperately trying to get their attention using the sun reflecting on his watch. They quickly rescued the man and brought him to Whangamatā Marina, where emergency responders greeted them.

The man was described as “hypothermic and exhausted” upon his rescue and was brought back to dry land for medical treatment. The man’s boat has not yet been recovered, but authorities have shared information about the vessel and have asked others at sea to report any sightings of empty powered boats.

Sergeant Hamilton praised the quick actions of the fishermen, stating, “Without the quick actions of the three gentlemen that retrieved him, this certainly would have had a tragic outcome. The boaties did an absolute stellar job and without a doubt saved this man’s life.”

The miraculous survival story has captivated the local community, with many expressing relief and gratitude for the safe rescue of the fisherman after such a harrowing ordeal.

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