Missak Manouchian, hero of the Resistance of Armenian origin, will enter the Pantheon

by time news

2023-06-18 08:16:46

President Emmanuel Macron will bring Missak Manouchian, a Resistance figure of Armenian origin, into the Pantheon, thus saluting his “bravery” and his “quiet heroism”announced Sunday the Elysée in a press release. “Missak Manouchian carries part of our greatness”il “embodies universal values” of liberty, equality, fraternity in the name of which he “defended the Republic”declares the Presidency of the Republic.

Military leader of a group of foreign resistance fighters in the Paris region, this survivor of the Armenian genocide was arrested in November 1943 and shot by the German army, at the age of 37, on February 21, 1944 at Mont-Valérien. He will be the first foreign and communist resistant to enter the Pantheon.

[Plus d’informations à suivre sur LeMonde.fr]

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