MJ carries out operation against group that practices extortion with stolen data

by time news

2023-12-28 14:43:30


The operation was launched in the early hours of Thursday (28)

In the early hours of this Thursday (28), an operation coordinated by the Ministry of Justice was launched with the aim of arresting members of a group for extortion on the internet. Five arrest warrants and another five search and seizure warrants are served in Bahia and in São Paulo.

A criminal organization was identified during an investigation by the MJ’s Cyber ​​Operations Laboratory and the Civil Police of the Federal District. The group worked to extort people through leaked data on the internet.

A operation
was named Cyber ​​Shield, referring to the security
cybernetics. The name suggests the idea of ​​a “barrier” on the internet, indicating an effort to protect systems and data against cyber threats.

The investigation shows that the members had access to the Civil police
of the Federal District and used the information to threaten victims and their families. During the conversations, the criminals asked for transfers via Pix
recurrently as blackmail.

The individuals, according to investigations, worked in the municipalities of Feira de Santana (BA), Salvador (BA), Pirituba (SP) and São Paulo (SP) and are related to criminal factions in these states.

The gang is being investigated for criminal organization, extortion with increased penalties due to the participation of two or more people and hacking of a computer device with increased penalties due to obtaining confidential information.

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