Mogul skiing: no winter season for Perrine Laffont who is taking a break for “a few months”

by time news

2023-11-15 10:56:34

The French mogul ski team loses its leader for the 2023-2024 season. Perrine Laffont, 25, Olympic champion in 2018 and five-time world champion will not participate in the World Cup season this season. “Perrine Laffont has decided not to participate in the Mogul Ski World Cup this winter,” indicates the press release published by the French Ski Federation this Wednesday morning.

And specifies: “After a very intense sporting season last year, Perrine Laffont wishes to take a break for a few months in order to better prepare for future sporting events, in particular the 2025 World Championships and the 2026 Olympic Games”.

After her 4th place at the Beijing Olympic Games in 2022, the Frenchwoman had for a time considered ending her career. “After the Games, I wanted to say stop, to go and do something else and have a slightly more normal life,” she admitted to us at the launch of last season. But I realize that the life I have is incredible and that I love what I do every day, both on and off the skis.”

It is therefore the 2023 school year, organized as traditionally in Ruka in Finland at the beginning of December, that Perrine Laffont will skip. “During this period, she will refine her preparation by putting in place significant athletic and mental work in order to maintain freshness and the desire to continue to remain the best mogul skier in the world,” concludes the press release.

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