Monkeys began to engage in homosexuality for pleasure

by time news

The Egyptian edition of Sasapost cited data that scientists in the course of the study identified homosexual behavior among 1,500 animal species. This puzzled scientists a lot, since it was believed that animals mate only for reproduction. Imagine their surprise when it turned out that the monkeys are doing this for fun.

In 2011, it was revealed that some species of deep-sea squid practice homosexual relationships. As it turned out, the squid do not distinguish between the female in front of them or the male and begin to mate with any squid that they meet at a depth of 800 meters, where complete darkness reigns.

Homosexual relationships have also been found in bonobos. They resolve all conflicts through sex and a large percentage of them are bisexual. “They mate with the opposite sex and have children, but they also practice same-sex contacts to strengthen social bonds,” the newspaper notes.

Moreover, we are talking about both the relationship of males with males, and the relationship of females with females. At the same time, scientists note that monkeys in the course of such contacts emit loud screams, meaning joy. Therefore, they enjoy such contacts.

The same behavior has been found in macaques.

The prevalence of same-sex intercourse has also been established among male giraffes. Moreover, for an hour before direct contact, one male giraffe licks the other’s neck, as a female would do.

About 2% of homosexual couples were identified among swans. Moreover, some homosexual families also have children. The fact is that when the female lays eggs, the male drives her away and then incubates the eggs himself with his homosexual partner.

About 31: Female albatross in Hawaii mate with other females and live in the same nest with them.


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