More than 1,000 people enjoy experiments, workshops, challenges, exhibitions or magic with ‘Sciencialia’ at the UR

by time news

2023-06-25 17:15:00


More than 1,000 people have participated this Sunday in the scientific dissemination event ‘Ciencialia: Ciencia La Rioja summer party’ held from 10:30 am on the campus of the University of La Rioja.

More than 35 people -including UR professors, outreach student groups such as ‘Vaya Elementos’ and ‘Vaya Primos’, and volunteers- have participated in the organization of this day that included workshops, challenges, gymkhana, facilities, theater, magic, exhibitions and other fun activities for schoolchildren and families.

All the activities have been carried out outdoors and inside the Quintiliano Building, under the coordination of UR professors Rosario López and Alicia Muro.

The rector of the UR, Juan Carlos Ayala, the general director of University and Scientific Policy, Pilar Vargas, and the deputy mayor Leonor González-Menorca, have also presented the prizes for the I Drawing Contest ‘How do you see a scientist?’, an activity included in this summer party.

This event is part of the ‘Ciencia La Rioja’ initiative, promoted by the Government of La Rioja and the University of La Rioja. It has the collaboration of the Logroño City Council, the UR Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) and the support of the Spanish Science and Technology Foundation (FECYT) – Ministry of Science and Innovation.


During the Ciencia La Rioja summer party, the awards ceremony for the I Drawing Contest ‘How do you see a scientist?’ took place. The winners have been, in the Early Childhood Education category, First Prize, Leire Toraño Esparza; Second prize, Emma Ramírez del Castillo; and Third prize, Sofia Dumitru David.

In the category of Primary Education, First prize, Ines Ibáñez Ojeda, Second prize, Emma Salandin Rosáenz; and Third prize, Mohamed Ali Ennahid Belbatna.

The prizes in the Secondary Education category have been for Alina Ochagavía Gallego, First Prize; Second prize, Samavia Qadir Mirza; and Third prize, Zoe Hagemann Martínez.

The centers with the greatest participation have been in Early Childhood Education, the CEIP Divino Maestro; in Primary Education, the CEIP José Ortega Valderrama; and in Secondary Education, the IES Hermanos D’ElHuyar.


The party, with free admission, has been open to anyone who would like to spend a fun morning enjoying Science, with special attention to primary school children. It has combined activities focused on technology (3D printing, drones, robots, engineering, motorcycles and electric cars) with chemical experiments, mathematical challenges, cooking, exhibitions, audiovisuals and purely recreational proposals, such as

magic, theater, mobile disco or gymkhanas, among other surprises.

This space for interactive experiences seeks to awaken interest in technology and STEM subjects (programming, robotics, electronics, physics, etc.) among participants through play and experimentation.

It has been guided by the university scientific outreach groups ‘Vaya Primos’ and ‘Vaya Elementos’, with the collaboration of iSchool, Ángel Palacios from “Cocinar a ciegas”, the cooking teacher

“Aarón Langarica” ​​and professors from the University of La Rioja.

“Technology is the present and the future of the professions -said Rosario López, coordinator of Ciencialia-. That is why we have sought activities full of emotion, so that children can practice science in a didactic but fun way and thus awaken their concerns and curiosity, while encouraging reasoning

logical and critical thinking.


The event took place from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., with indoor and outdoor activities. From 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., workshops on recreational mathematics, chemistry, magnetism and scientific costumes (for children of all ages) and electricity, 3D printing and the colors of the spectrum (for children of all ages) were held in the Quintiliano Building.

general public).

The Quintiliano Building has also hosted talks on computer security; an exhibition area, with the exhibition “Women in Science in La Rioja”, ceded by the Government of La Rioja, and the finalist works of the I Contest ‘How do you see a scientist?’; and an audiovisual area, with the projection of videos from the ‘Experimenta en casa’ contest, ESA, UR researchers, the UR-Maker Unit and companies from La Rioja.

(Standard Profile, MASA, Bodegas Vivanco, etc.).

In the pedestrian area located between the Quintiliano Building and the Library, the workshops ‘Makey-Makey’ and ‘Robotic Gymkhana’ (for children from 6 to 8 years old) and ‘Robotic Fight + Drones’ (for children from 9 to 12 years old) have taken place. years) and the activities of the “Vaya Primos” and the “Vaya

Elements”, summer edition (for all ages). The workshop “Cooking blind” has also been held outdoors, the activity “Sweeten this party” and a gymkhana for all audiences (also with a prize).

Other leisure activities have been the performance ‘Magia con Magomino’, the theater ‘Científicos locos’, a ‘Pintacaras’ and the show ‘Pin, pan pum, disco familiar’, all of them abroad, which have entertained

the evening from 1:00 p.m. until closing.

#people #enjoy #experiments #workshops #challenges #exhibitions #magic #Sciencialia

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