More than 104,000 asset declarations received by the financial courts (Court of Auditors)

by times news cr

2024-05-12 23:40:59

Regarding the follow-up to formal notices sent to government authorities for notification to the civil servants and agents concerned, the annual report of the Court of Auditors for 2022-2023 notes the persistence of a certain number of inadequacies which it had already reported in its previous annual reports.

It thus turned out that the data concerning taxable persons had not been updated in the lists loaded into the electronic platform dedicated to the compulsory declaration of assets, in addition to the inadequacies in terms of establishing these lists by the bodies concerned. (persons wrongly included in the lists of taxable persons or whose data uploaded contains material errors).

The Court also carried out, during the years 2022 and 2023, the examination of a sample of the declarations filed, with the aim of assessing whether the said declarations included the necessary elements enabling the Court to identify the inconsistencies between the evolution of the assets of the person concerned and that of their income.

This review, according to the report, revealed that the information contained in the said statements does not allow reliable conclusions to be drawn. This situation is mainly due to inaccuracies made by the declarant when providing the required data, resulting from the lack of clarity of the concepts used in the model in force.

The Court is currently preparing an exhaustive report on the assessment of the exercise of its powers in matters of compulsory declaration of assets, since its entry into force in 2010. This report will include the main conclusions and recommendations with a view to improving the asset declaration system as a whole and increasing its effectiveness.

According to the same source, the Court, through the exercise of its constitutional missions, ensures compliance with the obligation to declare assets, by monitoring the operations of filing declarations by the taxable persons designated by law.

Following the effort to notify formal notices carried out by the financial courts, 80% of taxable persons, having failed in their reporting obligations, regularized their situation, i.e. 4,563 taxable persons in the category of civil servants and public agents, as well as 3,711 of the category of elected representatives of local councils and professional chambers.

2024-05-12 23:40:59

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