Moroccan-US Army Cooperation: Train to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction in Agadir

by time news

As a part of Moroccan-US army cooperation in catastrophe administration, an train to counter weapons of mass destruction occurred on Thursday on the army port of Agadir.

This operation is a part of the joint Moroccan-American train “African Lion 2024” which is being carried out in accordance with the excessive directives of His Majesty the King, the Supreme Chief, and the Chief of the Normal Workers of the Royal Armed Forces.

Focusing totally on the conduct of reconnaissance operations, neutralization of improvised weapons of mass destruction, radiological dispersion units and NRBC decontamination, the train to counter weapons of mass destruction aimed to additional improve the operational and tactical capabilities of the NRBC and EOD corporations of the FAR Reduction and Rescue unit to take care of disaster conditions presenting radiological, chemical and explosive dangers.

The theme of the train, towards weapons of mass destruction, targeted on an interconnected situation very near actuality, which is able to enable the NRBC and EOD corporations of the FAR Reduction and Rescue Unit to intervene to handle an incident involving chemical, radiological and explosive brokers.

Learn additionally: “African Lion 2024”: simulation train on the Joint Operations Middle in Agadir

Through the train, which occurred within the presence of Main Normal Mohamed Benlouli, Chief of Workers of the South Area, and Brigadier Normal Daniel Sederman, Deputy Normal Commander-Reserve of the Southern European Process Drive of the US Military-Africa (SETAF-Africa), the USS FAR Explosive Ordnance Disposal Crew carried out preliminary reconnaissance utilizing robots and complex tools to securely and precisely find the explosive gadget.

Then, specialised technicians (EOD) intervene to neutralize this tools, earlier than performing decontamination, triage, medical therapy, in addition to air and land evacuation of victims to obtain the required care.

The official launch of the “African Lion 2024” train occurred final Monday throughout a ceremony held on the headquarters of the South Area Normal Workers in Agadir, within the presence of representatives of the collaborating nations.

Roughly 7,000 parts of the armed forces of almost twenty nations, in addition to the North Atlantic Treaty Group (NATO), are collaborating in these large-scale army workout routines, together with the FAR and US armed forces.

The “African Lion 2024” train, which is able to happen in Benguerir, Agadir, Tan-Tan, Akka and Tifnit, contains a variety of actions, together with tactical, land, maritime and air workout routines, joint, day and night time, an train particular forces and air operations.

This twentieth version additionally features a set of medico-surgical and social companies offered by a army area hospital for the advantage of the inhabitants of the Awka area.

Contributing to strengthening the operational, technical and procedural interoperability between the collaborating armies, the “African Lion 2024” train, the most important train held in Africa, continues to be an unforgettable occasion the place army officers come collectively to alternate info procedures and experiences, particularly in situations of coaching and joint mixed coaching.

This twentieth version testifies to the steadiness that characterizes cooperation between the FAR and US Armed Forces, reflecting the historic and strong ties that bind the 2 nations.

With MAP

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