Morocco’s presidency of the HRC, a recognition of the progress made by the Kingdom within the subject of human rights (Nigerian Middle for Arab Research)

by times news cr

2024-05-26 09:31:39

“This is a crucial and noteworthy growth which we’re pleased with, particularly as it should have repercussions and has significance” relating to the place loved by Morocco on the regional and worldwide ranges, indicated in a press release, Mr. Abdul Baqi Al Khader.

“We’re ready for the pending recordsdata on this space to develop and be resolved throughout the presidency of the Kingdom of Morocco of this vital worldwide Council,” he added.

On Wednesday, Morocco was elected to the presidency of the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 12 months 2024, throughout a vote held in Geneva.

Of the forty-seven members of the Council, 30 supported Morocco’s candidacy, in comparison with that of South Africa, which obtained solely 17 votes.

A press launch from the Ministry of International Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans residing overseas pressured that this election of Morocco, for the primary time in its historical past, to the presidency of this prestigious UN physique, expresses recognition by the worldwide neighborhood, of the clairvoyance of the Imaginative and prescient of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, might God assist Him, in issues of safety and promotion of human rights.

2024-05-26 09:31:39

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