Mother and High-School Principal Kristin Fox’s Inspiring Journey after Losing Limbs to Flu Complications

by time news

all you’ve got.”

Fox hopes her story can serve as a reminder for people to take the flu seriously and to get vaccinated. Her experience has made her a vocal advocate for flu vaccines and the importance of seeking medical attention if symptoms worsen.

“I implore people to get their flu shot,” she said. “I had mine, but I was one of those rare cases where the vaccine just didn’t work for me. But I’ve also ridden in a car with people who have had the flu, and none of them got it from me. So please, get your flu shot.”

Despite all she’s been through, Fox remains determined and has a positive outlook on life. She hopes to continue making a difference in her students’ lives and is grateful for the support she’s received from her community.

“I’m just grateful to be here, and I’m grateful for friends and family like I’ve never experienced before,” she said. “They have done everything for us. It’s been amazing. I’m lucky. I’m blessed.”

For Kristin Fox, the journey to her “new normal” is ongoing, but she continues to inspire those around her with her strength and resilience.

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