Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and lover…murdered together with boyfriend, this was revealed after scanning 800 cameras – daughter in law and her boyfriend together murdered mother in law in jodhpur rajasthan – 2024-03-12 15:51:12

by times news cr

2024-03-12 15:51:12
Jodhpur/Jaipur: A heart-wrenching case came to light in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. In this, due to her affair, a daughter-in-law along with her boyfriend got her mother-in-law murdered painfully. Hearing this incident, sensation spread in the surrounding area. During this, the boyfriend pressed her face with a blanket and stabbed her 5 times with a screwdriver. Due to this he died a painful death on the spot. Regarding this matter, the police revealed the murder case and arrested the accused last evening.

Revealed after watching 800 CCTV cameras

This shocking case has come to light from Boranada area of ​​Jodhpur. Where Santosh Kanwar was tragically murdered on March 7. Santosh’s elder son Narsingh had given a report regarding this matter. Police searched 800 CCTV cameras in the case. Only then was this murder revealed. In which his daughter-in-law Mona Kanwar’s boyfriend Rahul Jangid has been arrested.

Daughter-in-law pushed mother-in-law out of the way

Police said that the accused daughter-in-law Mona Kanwar (32), wife of Govind Singh, is in a love affair with bus stand resident Rahul Jangid. Govind Singh used to work in construction. Recently, he started falling ill after falling from the site. Meanwhile his wife worked in a seed factory. Where she fell in love with Rahul. Mona started meeting him regularly. Mona’s mother-in-law Santosh saw her regarding this. After this, the accused woman Mona made a plan to remove her mother-in-law.

Mother-in-law murdered by inserting a screwdriver into her neck

Police said that the accused daughter-in-law lived most of the time in her Pehar Burj Kala village due to the affair. Where she used to meet her boyfriend. On the day of the incident, Mona called her boyfriend to her in-laws’ house. But she did not reach her in-laws’ house. Meanwhile, when her boyfriend Rahul reached her in-laws’ house, Santosh Kanwar tried to convince her. During this, Rahul inserted the screwdriver into Santosh’s neck five times. Due to which he died painfully on the spot. During this, accused Rahul did not let Santosh’s voice come out. For this he pressed her face with a blanket. Before the incident, Rahul had sent Govinda’s 5-year-old son out to buy chocolates. The police is busy arresting the accused Rahul and further investigating the case.

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