mourning and anger grip the country

by time news

C’is all of Greece which is bruised by an unprecedented human drama on its territory. Between pain and anger, the Greeks will demonstrate again on Friday March 3, on the third day of national mourning observed in a country traumatized by the rail disaster which killed 57 people, including many young students.

In the capital and in all the cities of Greece, the population is called upon to demonstrate in silence on Friday evening on the theme “We mourn our dead, we ask for the truth”. The fury of the Greeks should not dry up despite the mea culpa of the government on the “chronic” failures of the rail network which led to the tragedy, one of the most serious that Greece has known.

Railway workers are also called to strike on Friday, for the second day in a row. The confederation of rail unions denounces “the lack of respect shown by governments over time towards the Greek railways, which led” to this disaster. The Greeks are grieving in the image of this Greek flag, with white stripes broken like dismembered wagons, which is displayed in a black background on social networks.

READ ALSOAccident in Greece: is train travel dangerous?

Press headlines

“We are living an indescribable tragedy, we are mourning the unjust loss of dozens of people, mainly young people, we are asking for the truth”, can we read in the call for the silent demonstration, Friday evening. The population wants to understand why a train carrying 342 passengers and 10 railway workers was authorized to use the same single track as a freight convoy.

The trains indeed circulated for several kilometers on the same track connecting Athens to Thessaloniki (north), the two largest Greek cities, before colliding head-on Tuesday shortly before midnight, causing the death of at least 57 people, according to the police. “Why does Greece only learn after the tragedies? » asks Friday in a newspaper Ta Nea (gauche).

In Thessaloniki, the second city of the country, some 2,000 demonstrators protested Thursday evening, their faces serious and stern, letting their anger burst punctually with stone throwing and Molotov cocktails. “It is not a mistake but a crime”, wrote in a Thursday the Editors’ Journal (LEFT). “The dead of Tempé demand answers”, headlined the liberal Kathimeriniin reference to the place, near the city of Larissa (center), where the fatal collision occurred.

The station master admits his “error”

Brought to justice, the 59-year-old station master, prosecuted for “negligent homicide” and for causing “bodily injury”, admitted his “error”. The government spokesman assured Thursday that “the error” had “been admitted by the station master himself” and his lawyer confirmed that he “recognized what he had done”. He faces life imprisonment if proven guilty.

Media, including the public television channel ERT, however highlighted his lack of experience since, according to their information, he had been appointed to this post only forty days ago after having worked at the Ministry of Education and followed three months training for his new functions.

Larissa station was raided Friday morning by police as part of the investigation, a police spokesman told Agence France-Presse. “It is still ongoing, it is part of the investigation. The police seized […] all the documents which can help the investigation”, indicated this spokesman whereas the railway accident is imputed to an error of the station master of Larissa, city closest to the place of the collision.

Angry unions

The trains did not run on Thursday after a call for a strike by the confederation bringing together the railway unions. “Unfortunately, our constant demands for more permanent staff, better training, but above all the adoption of modern security technologies have all been thrown in the trash for good,” these organizations lamented.

The president of the OSE train drivers’ union, Kostas Genidounias, highlighted the lack of safety on the line where the collision occurred. “All (signalling) is done manually. It’s been since the year 2000 that the systems have not worked, ”he got carried away.

The union representatives of the Hellenic Train railway company sounded the alarm in this regard three weeks ago. “We are not going to wait for the accident to happen to see those responsible shed crocodile tears,” they warned.

“Privatization kills”

Konstantinos Hasiotis, an expert, for his part regretted with Agence France-Presse the delays in the installation of the PTS (Positive Train Control) electronic safety radar system.

Hundreds of people protested on Thursday evening outside the Athens headquarters of Hellenic Train, a company bought in 2017 by the Italian public group Ferrovie Dello Stato Italiane (FS) as part of the privatization program demanded by Greece’s creditors during the economic crisis (2009-2018).

Residents of Larissa had also demonstrated, carrying banners on which one could read: “Privatization kills”. “The delays (in the modernization of the railways) have their origins in the chronic pathologies of the Greek public sector, in decades of weakness,” government spokesman Yannis Oikonomou admitted on Thursday.

The apologies of the new Minister of Transport

The new Minister of Transport, Giorgos Gerapetritis, apologized to the families of the victims, while making “a complete self-criticism of the political system and the State”. The former minister had resigned the day before.

In the midst of controversy, the media made public a letter from the former head of the European rail traffic system (ERTMS) in Greece, Christos Katsioulis, in which he noted “mismanagement” of the application of “signalling contracts” on certain parts of the network.

“Until 2010, there was some modernization of the signaling of the railway network but, during the financial crisis, the safety systems began to break down,” recalled Panagiotis Terezakis, an adviser to the railways administration. of Greek iron.

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