Movie Narik Sukmo might be launched in mid 2024, listed below are the actors – 2024-05-18 06:02:03

by times news cr

2024-05-18 06:02:03

Plenty of artists additionally acted within the thriller horror movie Narik Sukmo. Picture: doc. Mesari Photos

jpnn.comJAKARTA – The manufacturing home Mesari Photos collaborated with JP Photos to supply a horror-mystery style movie entitled ‘Narik Sukmo’.

This movie stars Febby Rastanty, Aliando Syarief, Dea “Imut” Annisa, Rifnu Wikana, Maryam Supraba, Nugie, Kinaryosih, Yama Carlos, and Elly Lutan.

They compete in performing in a movie that’s set in a mysterious tradition that’s nonetheless carefully linked to Java.

The movie Narik Sukmo relies on a novel by Dewie Yulliantina Sofia, directed by Indra Gunawan and written by Evelyn Afnilia.

Darmawan Surjadi as Govt Producer and Producer of Mesari Photos and Mulyadi JP as Producer of JP Photos.

Synopsis of ‘Narik Sukmo’

This movie, which might be broadcast in mid-2024, tells the story of a pupil named Kenar (Febby Rastanty) who visits the hometown of her pal, Ayu (Dea Imut), in Kelawangin Village, on the border of Central Java and East Java.

Since stepping foot into the village, it has been raining repeatedly which is a nasty signal. Kenar additionally typically goals and is terrorized by a terrifying jet black determine who desires to take his ‘sukmo’ (soul).

This movie is stuffed with the strain of the battle that occurred in Kelawangin Village prior to now.

Plenty of artists additionally acted within the thriller horror movie Narik Sukmo which was produced by Mesari Photos and JP Photos.

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