MS registered 259 threats in public and private schools – Cidades

by time news

2023-07-04 00:56:00

Survey by the National Education Portal investigated the period from January 2023 to June 2023

Military Police officer in front of the Blanche dos Santos Pereira school, in Campo Grande (Photo: Henrique Kawaminami)

Mato Grosso do Sul recorded 259 occurrences of threats in public and private schools, as indicated by the latest survey by the National Education Portal. Released this Monday (3), the mapping covers the 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District.

The results, referring to the period from January 1, 2023 to June 22, 2023, reveal a worrying reality. Among the cases of threat, is the incident that occurred in April, at the Blanche dos Santos Pereira State School, in Jardim Tijuca, in Campo Grande, which scared parents and students.

After a notice of a massacre painted in the men’s bathroom, on April 4, students had their backpacks and belongings searched by the Military Police’s School Round. Four police officers participated in the action, however, no irregularities were found and the author of the threat was not identified.

Although none of the 259 threats were executed, the survey shows that 83 people were victims of cases of violence that resulted in injuries. Fortunately, there were no fatal cases.

Among these incidents is the case of a 15-year-old teenager who stabbed a 46-year-old lawyer on May 18 at the Bernardo Franco Baís Municipal School. The boy is a former student of the unit and hit the woman in the back as she left her son.

Monitoring also shows that, in all, 138 people were identified as perpetrators of these incidents, and only two of them were apprehended by the police. There is no information available on the number of people heard in inquiries or search and seizure warrants related to cases of violence in schools in the state.

The report contacted SED (Secretary of Education of Mato Grosso do Sul), Semed (Municipal Secretary of Education) and Sintrae-MS (Union of Workers in Teaching Establishments of Mato Grosso do Sul) to find out which Measures are being taken to deal with this issue in state schools.

However, until the closing of this article, there was no response. The space remains open for future pronouncements.

National data – At the national level, the numbers are equally worrying. Brazil recorded a total of 3,396 incident reports related to violence in educational institutions.

In addition, a total of 1,595 adolescents and suspects were taken to police stations to give statements to the state police.

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