Mysterious NASA Military Space Plane Lands After Spending More Than 900 Days In Space

by time news


Updated at 2:23 p.m.

One of the most mysterious projects of the NASA has returned to earth. The Boeing X-37Band military space planehas spent 908 days in space, which ended on November 12, when it automatically landed on the Kennedy Space Center. He thus put an end to the OTV-6 mission, the content of which is unknown.

The X-37B was launched in 2010, thus completing its longest flight. The previous one lasted 780 days. His return has coincided with the diffusion of the first image of its takeoff, taken on May 17, 2020.

NASA started the X-37 program in 1999 with the intention of developing reusable space vehicles. Although the content of the mission has not transpired, the plane is dedicated to testing new military experiments in orbit, in addition to checking what effects the vacuum of space has on material and biological samples.

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