nagarjuna: Samantha: Former father-in-law who said a word about Samantha: Congratulations too

by time news
Cinema fans praise actor Nagarjuna, Samantha’s ex-father-in-law.


Samantha and actor Naga Chaitanya, the eldest son of popular Telugu actor Nagarjuna, fell in love and got married in October 2017. Divorce was announced 5 days before the 4th wedding day. Samantha then deleted photos of Naga Chaitanya from Instagram.


Samantha says she wondered if she would die if she could not bear the divorce. Samantha adds that it amazes me that I am so brave to endure all of this. Fans admire his courage.


Samantha and Naga never dreamed that Chaitanya would split up. She was the daughter of our house niece. Nagarjuna has said that Samantha has always been my daughter despite her divorce. Many are praising Nagarjuna for saying that Samantha is his daughter.

Naga Chaitanya

Fans have demanded that Naga Chaitanya negotiate with Samantha again and put them together. Earlier when Naga Chaitanya and Samantha decided to split up, Nagarjuna held peace talks with them. But it is noteworthy that it has gone in vain.


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