Named 5 healthy reasons to agree to a glass of wine

by time news

Disputes about the influence of a moderate amount of alcohol on the body, especially for women, have not subsided for a long time. Supporters of a healthy lifestyle are categorically against even small amounts of such “doping”. Some researchers, too, believing that even in small doses, alcohol can lead to irreversible changes in the body. On the other hand, opponents note that wine is part of the famous Mediterranean diet, which is considered one of the healthiest. Finally, since ancient times, the inhabitants of the Caucasus and Italy cannot imagine their life without wine, and at the same time they are distinguished by enviable longevity. Nutritionists agree that the truth, as always, is somewhere in between.

If we talk about dry wine and very limited quantities, there are still benefits from drinking it, concludes Harper’s Bazaar. The publication emphasizes that in this case we mean a daily portion equal to one glass. Also, we are talking about dry wine, since dessert wines have too much sugar.

The first positive moment from a glass of dry red at a meal is the receipt of polyphenols, which have a beneficial effect on the vessels of the heart. The resveratrol contained in the skin of grapes, according to a number of studies, has a number of useful functions: it reduces “bad” cholesterol, protects blood vessels, reduces blood clots and has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also helps maintain bone strength. It is also believed that this substance helps to slightly reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, but these assumptions have not been confirmed.

Substances in red wine have an antioxidant effect, that is, they help slow down the aging process. Grapes contain many polyphenols and tannins, the concentration of which increases during fermentation. Antioxidants protect cells from damage by free radicals, therefore, slow down age-related changes in the cells of organs and skin. Red wine is also full of phytoestrogens, which stimulate the body’s production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

The active substances in red wine also tone up the nervous system by improving the blood supply to the brain. According to the observations of a number of researchers, the cumulative effect of red wine becomes the prevention of age-related memory degeneration and even Alzheimer’s disease.

The already mentioned polyphenols protect the body from chronic diseases by combating inflammatory processes. Also, the components of wine can increase the body’s susceptibility to insulin, which helps in the prevention of diabetes.

The fifth and very important positive effect of red wine is a good mood. This is not about the feeling of intoxication, but about the high content of fruit acids and tannins in this drink, which scientists associate with an increase in the general emotional background and even the prevention of depression. But there is an important note: such an “antidepressant” works only if no more than 1 glass is consumed per day. With an excess of alcohol on the face, the opposite effect is depression of the nervous system and health problems, in the presence of which the mood simply cannot be good.

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