NASA scientist suggests a way to restore the atmosphere on Mars

by time news

Jim Green explains how to cover the Red Planet with a giant magnetic shield

Before retirement, the American scientist announced his plan to colonize Mars. He believes that the protective shield will help restore the atmosphere on the planet.

Former NASA chief scientist Jim Green has proposed building a giant magnetic shield around the Red Planet. It will block high energy solar particles. This means that it will not allow the star to destroy the atmosphere of Mars. Writes about this Daily Mail.

The scientist suggested that due to this, a climate favorable for humans will arise on the planet. The scientist called this process terraformation. The temperature will rise, the pressure will rise. this will allow plants to be grown on Mars.

Jim Green said that he has been working on his project for the past five years. Now he decided to release it to the public because he quit his job at NASA and retired. He recalled that the atmosphere disappeared on Mars with the influx of solar particles. This phenomenon destroyed 90 percent of the atmosphere of the Red Planet.

If Mars is closed from the Sun, the temperature will rise to a point that will allow the CO2 cover on the polar cap to turn into gas and return to the atmosphere. And this will increase the greenhouse effect.

It would also release water buried deep beneath the surface. At least one seventh of the ancient ocean will return to Mars. In the future, all the water from the depths of the planet would be released.

Green suggests creating a dipole field. A pair of equal and oppositely charged magnets must be placed in orbit between Mars and the Sun, at a point known as Mars L1. The planet will be in the “magnetospheric tail” and will be protected from the sharp solar wind. The climate will stabilize in just two years.


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