NASA’s “Perseverance” Mars echoes the sound that makes people shudder. “Martians” are beating on the wall of the tube? | NASA | Perseverance | Mars | Sounds | Martians |

by time news

[Voice of Hope July 5, 2022](Editor: Guo Xiao)Whether there is life on Mars has puzzled scientists for many years. By sending multiple probes to Mars, scientists have detected that the environment of Mars is very similar to that of Earth, and that there are also four seasons changes, and liquid water has also been found under the surface of Mars, but the temperature difference between day and night on Mars reaches more than 200 degrees Celsius, and the minimum temperature is Below 60°C, however, Mars has gradually approached the Earth in recent years. Scientists say that Mars will be transformed into a habitable planet in the future. Although human beings have always believed that there are more advanced civilizations in outer space, the footprints of aliens have not been found for so many years, and no life has been found in the exploration of Mars for so long. Even if there is, it may only be some tiny microorganisms .

The surface of Mars (Image: pixabay)

One of the missions of NASA’s Perseverance rover is to prepare it for sampling from Mars. According to the plan, “Perseverance” will collect some samples on the surface of Mars and store them, waiting for NASA and ESA to launch a new Mars rover to Mars and bring these samples back to Earth for comprehensive analysis. At present, “Perseverance” has not yet begun to collect samples from Mars, but it has sent back a large number of photos of Mars. In addition, “Perseverance” has also returned a voice from Mars, which makes people shudder. This is What’s going on? “Perseverance” is more functional than the previous Mars rover. In addition to carrying a Mars helicopter, it is also equipped with a microphone, which can record the sound of the surface of Mars.

The sound returned by the “Perseverance” this time sounded a bit like the sound made when the tap water was blocked, and it was accompanied by the sound of beating on the wall of the pipe. Could it be that there are tube walls on Mars, and who could be beating them? Scientists haven’t yet explained this, so we don’t know exactly how these sounds are produced. However, judging from the current situation of Mars, there is basically no “Martian” beating the wall of the tube, because Mars does not seem to have any vitality. Although the existence of life on Mars has not yet been found, there are various signs that Mars may be one of the planets with the most potential for life in the solar system other than Earth. If the origin of life on Earth arose spontaneously, it means that a similar origin of life could emerge on Mars.

Mars Helicopter
Mars Helicopter (Internet Image)

After all, Mars was once a wet world billions of years ago, with liquid water and suitable temperatures. After bringing back Martian samples in the future, if humans discover potential microorganisms on Mars, they may also be able to discover prehistoric fossils of Mars, which will overturn our current understanding of Mars. In fact, whether microorganisms or large biological fossils have been discovered in other planets, it shows that life once existed in other planets, and the earth is not the only planet with life, and human beings are not alone. These will eventually be realized in the near future, and will also become a major breakthrough in the history of human science and technology!

Responsible editor: Li Jingrou

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