NASA’s “Perseverance” photographed peculiar rock experts: Martian underground materials are suitable for life | NASA | Perseverance | Strange rocks | Mars | Subsurface materials | Life exists

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[Voice of Hope, July 4, 2022](Editor: Guo Xiao)Mars, one of the nine planets in the entire solar system, is about 55 million kilometers away from Earth. It will take less than 210 days to launch today’s most advanced unmanned rover. In addition, Mars is also in the habitable zone of life in the solar system. It is a rocky terrestrial planet with a climate and environment closest to Earth. Therefore, in the past ten years, humans have discovered many strange objects there. During the half century of human exploration of Mars, the most interesting thing is whether there has ever been life on this red planet. Recently, the “Perseverance” unmanned rover launched by NASA to Mars shared some photos taken on Mars, one of which aroused the curiosity of netizens.

In this image, a circular space rock is balancing on another rock, and its physics doesn’t make sense to scientists. This picture shows the inexplicable thing about how this stone is kept from falling without anything supporting it, and it seems to roll down at any moment, but it can Always stay where you are, unaffected by any outside influence. And just near it is a peculiar stone protruding from the rock wall, which looks like the head of a snake when viewed from the side. NASA’s “Perseverance” announced on its official Twitter that the Mars rover currently exploring Jezero Crater has discovered something new, and these contents have shocked scientists who saw it.

The rover is still near the area, and its map log records the location of the strange space rock. NASA sees this phenomenon as a good research focus, and for its status, it has “enormous potential” to conduct research, especially with the many recent discoveries on the mission. On future expeditions, the researchers believe that other rock formations will go a long way toward further understanding the geology of Mars. “Perseverance” has been on Mars for more than a year, and it has photographed many strange objects for netizens, and now it brings more information, especially when exploring the new area of ​​Jezero Crater. In addition to rocks and tangible objects on Mars, Perseverance also brought information about the Martian surroundings, especially what a solar eclipse would look like on Mars.

Perseverance captured the strange rock (Image: NASA)

The Perseverance rover’s adventure on Mars was also aided by the Witness Mars Helicopter, giving the public a glimpse of more interesting things on Mars for Mars explorers. In addition, some expert studies have shown that the material underground on Mars is suitable for the existence of life. Scientists have analyzed the chemical composition of some Martian meteorites. After these contact with water, the chemical energy required for the survival of the microbial community is generated. It was therefore concluded that where groundwater exists, there is likely to be sufficient chemical capacity to sustain microbial life. In addition, many experts believe that there is groundwater throughout Mars, despite its high salinity. There are at least 4 lakes below the south pole of Mars. Therefore, there is water and energy inside Mars, which are the basic components of life.

Responsible editor: Li Jingrou

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