Natalie Dadon in an attack on Big Brother: “The Holocaust has become a joke”

by time news

Dadon wrote: “A series of attacks against ultra-Orthodox in London, a woman with a baby in a stroller escaped from a woman who threatened to hit her with a stick and threw a liquid substance on the mother and the baby. An 8-year-old boy was attacked in the head by an anti-Semitic gang, a 13-year-old boy was also attacked by two anti-Semites. And that’s just In London. While we are at war against anti-Semitism all over the world!!! What about us?!? We contain the one who turns the Holocaust into a joke.”

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Dadon added: “Two tenants! Not one! Each at a different time! And everything continues as usual! Oh no, sorry, they did a no no no no. In Portugal, a tenant was fired for this movement and in the Jewish state – no!!!!!! We are the biggest enemy Our own! Zero tolerance for such acts as far as I’m concerned! Even for the sake of a generation that grows up here and learns what to be!!!”

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