National: “Who authorizes to speak without my authorization?”, Big anger of the coach for the resumption of Versailles

by time news

A surreal scene takes place this Monday during the resumption of training for FC Versailles, promoted to National. While we are talking with Romain Armand, the new Yvelines striker who arrived from Pau (L2) during the off-season, coach Youssef Chibhi tumbles into a room at the Montbauron stadium adorned with photos of the epic in the Coupe de France last year (semi-final against Nice).

“I don’t allow you to talk to the players. I do not agree. You have to ask me, he says vehemently. Who authorized the press to come? Who authorizes to speak without my authorization? »

A few meters away, the director general (CEO) Jean-Luc Arribart and the head of communication and recruitment Michaël Michée attend, amazed, the exit of their coach. ” It’s me ! », replies Michaël Michée. “I don’t agree, thunders Youssef Chibhi. We are being talked about too much these days. One day it’s the budget, the next day it’s the stadium… People say that we are the Qatar team of the division. We want to remain humble and I want to temper. »

A seductive group armed to aim high

The Versailles coach then orders Romain Armand to leave the premises before concluding: “I have nothing against the press and I will speak soon but not today. »

Is FC Versailles having its first crisis since its change of status with the arrival of new shareholders? The City real estate group has indeed allowed FC Versailles to move into another dimension for a year and a half. According to our information, his budget should reach 3.5 M€ this season.

The leaders were able to achieve high-end recruitment. Sébastien Rénot (Troyes, L1), Loïc Damour (Hearts of Midlothian, Scottish D1), loaned to Le Mans last season, Grégoire Lefebvre (Nancy, L2), Florian Lapis (Orléans, N), Emeric Dudouit (Dunkirk, L2), Thibault Jaques (Bourg-en-Bresse, N), Romain Armand (Pau, L2) and Pierre Gibaud (Le Havre, L2) have already signed up. Twelve players were retained out of the 25 in last year’s squad who had achieved a prodigious career with only three defeats on the clock (including that against Nice) in 40 matches in all competitions.

This attractive group is armed to aim higher than simply remaining in a championship where a third of the contingent (6 out of 18) will be relegated due to the overhaul of the L1 and L2. While waiting for a possible renovation of the Montbauron stadium for the second half of the season, the Versailles team will play their home match at the Jean-Bouin stadium, the home of the Stade Français rugby players.

“I like when there is pepper”

Behind the scenes, even if some disagreements had arisen between the coach and the DG at the end of last season, the serenity between the two bosses of the sports sector seemed to be in order when the season started. The timing of this anger challenges. Has the team’s coach since 2014 been under some pressure when it comes to tackling this 3rd division championship for the first time? Or is he struggling to no longer be the sole decision-maker in the sports sector as he was before the arrival of the new shareholders?

This release could leave traces for the rest of this season. Before the coach stopped our discussion with Romain Armand, one of the Mercato’s flagship recruits, the former Paris FC striker had the time to tell us about his pleasure and his ambition to return to the Paris region.

“I had three written proposals from L2 clubs but I was seduced by the FC Versailles project, says Armand. I am ambitious, I want to play at the top of the table even if I have to remain humble. It was important to me to participate in the expansion of a club that aims to join the professional world in the coming years. I like when there is pepper. It was served a handful of seconds later…

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