Nature protection: ECOWAS examines the implementation of the Observatory for Biodiversity

by time news

For the benefit of nature protection, the Observatory for Biodiversity and Protected Areas of West Africa (OBAPAO) initiative is gradually taking place. Since March 14, 2023, Experts from ECOWAS and Mauritania have been meeting in Dakar for the validation workshop of the said Observatory.

Like the international community, which strives to protect nature, the institutions of the West African region are mobilizing. To remain contemporary and find solutions for the protection of different species in West Africa, experts from the 15 ECOWAS States and Mauritania started, on March 14, the validation workshop of the Regional Observatory of Biodiversity and Protected Areas of West Africa (OBAPAO).

Initiated within the framework of the implementation of regional policies of UEMOA and ECOWAS, targeting cross-border ecosystems, OBAPAO aims to be an information hub to collect data in order to help in the process of decision-making in the context of the sustainable management of biodiversity and protected areas. The objective of this meeting is to examine and validate the state of implementation and operation of the platforms as well as the study on the governance and sustainability of OBAPAO. Participants will also share information about its second phase and discuss synergies with other observatories. In addition to the experts in charge of biodiversity and protected areas from the 15 ECOWAS Member States and Mauritania, the technical and financial partners involved in the process of setting up and operationalizing OBAPAO are taking part in this encounter. As a reminder, the WAEMU Commission is the leader for the Natural Resources sub-sector under the ECOWAS Commission and the sixteen (16) West African States. The establishment and operationalization of OBAPAO contributes to the implementation of the flagship actions of the Commission’s Priority Action Framework for the period 2021-2025 (CAP 2025). The work of this workshop, which ends this Friday, March 17, should therefore make it possible to define solid systems for the preservation of ecosystems, the improvement of biodiversity in order to allow the populations and entities concerned to benefit from them.


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