NBA: Ja Morant: alcohol, weapons and strip clubs, the great abyss of the new icon of the NBA | nba 2022

by time news


The point guard for the Grizzlies, back on the courts after an eight-game suspension and admission to a center in Florida. “That doesn’t mean it’s completely okay,” he admits.

Morant, during his return game against the Rockets.JUSTIN FORDGetty Images via AFP

Drugs, alcohol, excesses and the NBA. At the very origin of the best basketball league in the world, there are plenty of examples of ruined careers, of lost talents for the cause. of the tragedy of Len Bias to the case of Lamar Odom. Those ghosts that I tried to nip in the bud David Star in their day now they fly over the fashionable boy, the uncontrollable genius of the colored dreadlocks. So astonishing the vicissitudes of I Morant within the court as the recent events that have led him into the abyss: last Wednesday he returned to the courts after nine games of ‘reflection’ for his scandals.

Which turned out to be more grotesque. The last one, the one that forced the Grizzlies to keep him away from the sports environment, show a firearm in his left hand in a direct from his Instagram account, with more than eight million followers. It happened in Colorado, hours after losing a game against the Nuggets and the incident occurred at a club in a well-known nightlife area. He was also seen in a room full of bills with a stripper sitting on his lap. “I take responsibility for my actions, I apologize to my family, teammates, coach, fans and the city of Memphis. Seek help,” he admitted.

It was the straw that broke the camel’s back in the controversy of the brilliant point guard of the Grizzlies, who at 23 years old, with his unpredictable, direct and energetic game, was turning out to be quite a revolution. The NBA, whose internal regime in this regard is severe, sanctioned him with eight games (without playing and without salary) for “conduct detrimental to the League.” The reflection of Morant and his team extended it to one more, as if wanting to calm the waters before the imminent playoffs. In that period, he spent 11 days in a counseling center in Florida, working with a psychologist and doing reiki and breathing techniques to control anxiety, trying to calm his inner self. “That does not mean that it is completely fine. My job now is to be more responsible, more intelligent and not cause problems,” she acknowledged in her first public appearance.

It's him
A boy, holding a sign supporting Morant.JUSTIN FORDGetty Images via AFP

Because it was not the first time that the boy, rookie of the year in 2020 and father of a girl, got into trouble. Last July, weeks after Morant signed a five-year contract for the Grizzlies for more than 231 million dollars, the manager of a Memphis shopping center reported threats and assaults on the player and his group of friends after an argument with Jamie, his mother. Days later, he was seen with a gun during an incident at a friendly game at his mansion in Tennessee. As reported The Washington Postone of the non-professional players of the pachanga denounced him for beating him violently on several occasions.

Even more bizarre still, last January the Pacers reported that their bus was targeted by a laser from a firearm from a van Morant was in after his game in Memphis. One of his friends Devonte Packwas suspended for a year without being able to attend Grizzlies games for various altercations.

All too controversial in the figure of one of the new icons of the League, king of the highlightswho until his sanction averaged more than 27 points, six rebounds and eight assists in the mighty Grizzlies of Santi Aldama. Because even if he denies it, apologizes and leaves social networks, his alleged addiction to alcohol seems to be behind the drift of that boy who passed under the radar of all scouts and only one, from Murray State University, when he was taking a break and went out for a snack (a bag of Doritos), discovered him on a secondary track.

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