NCC Exam Camp at LF College : Nattu Visesham

by time news

NCC Review Camp at LF College

Saturday, September 10, 2022 1:21 AM IST

Guruvayur: NCC 7 Kerala Girls Battalion Joint Annual Sheelana Camp was held at Guruvayur Little Flower College.
Commanding Officer Lt. Col. P. Bijoy presided. Administrative Officer Major Sheela K. Mathew Associate NCC Officers, GCI and PI Staff initiated Tutu.
Guruvayur Little Flower College won the senior wing overall crown. Thiruvalayannur High School also got the junior wing overall crown. Tug-of-war games, Onapatt, Puli as part of Onaghoshat Games and Vanchipat artistic programs were organized.

LITTLE FLOWER COLLEGE PRINCIPAL FOR WINNERS OF VARIOUS COMPETITIONS Dr. Sister MA Walsa administered the award. Around 500 cadets participated in the camp.

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