Negotiations between German Chancellor Scholz and Russian President Putin began in Moscow | News from Germany about Germany | DW

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Negotiations between German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Russian President Vladimir Putin began in Moscow. Scholz flew to Moscow on Tuesday, February 15, after a visit to Kiev the day before, hoping to resolve the crisis over the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is Scholz’s first meeting with Putin since he took over the new German government at the end of 2021.

At a meeting with Putin, Scholz said that he was glad for the opportunity of a personal meeting to resolve the conflict. He noted the importance of settling relations between states through dialogue.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin said that the talks would focus on “topical topics on the bilateral and international agenda, including issues related to the provision of long-term, legally fixed security guarantees for the Russian Federation and the settlement of the intra-Ukrainian conflict.” According to Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov, one of the topics of the meeting will also be the launch of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

Scholz underwent PCR testing at the German Embassy

Upon arrival in Moscow, Olaf Scholz refused the offer of the Russian side to test him for coronavirus before meeting with Putin and preferred to have a PCR test, necessary for admission to the Kremlin, by a German doctor at the German Embassy in Moscow. Surrounded by the Chancellor, they reported that the German side had invited representatives of the Russian health authorities to attend the testing. The entire kit required for the test was brought from Germany.

Peskov said that Scholz’s refusal to undergo PCR testing by Russian doctors “will not affect the nature of the meeting, nor its content, nor its duration.” However, the talks will take place “at a greater than usual distance.” “All parties have their protocols, their preferences, and we have absolute respect and understanding for those protocols that our partners from Germany have,” the representative of the President of the Russian Federation said.

Before meeting with Putin, Scholz laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden. After the talks and a working breakfast, a joint press conference is planned, and in the evening the German Chancellor will fly to Berlin.

Similar negotiations were fruitless.

French President Emmanuel Macron flew to Moscow last week for talks with Putin. However, neither at this meeting, nor at other similar negotiations between Western leaders and international organizations and the Russian side, progress was made in resolving the conflict. The West is calling on Moscow to withdraw troops from the Ukrainian border and is threatening unprecedented sanctions. Russia, on the other hand, accuses Western countries of arming Ukraine and conducting maneuvers near the borders of the Russian Federation.

In the second half of 2021 and early 2022, the Russian Federation deployed more than 100 thousand military personnel to the annexed Crimea and to the border with Ukraine. In February, Russia and Belarus are holding joint exercises that the West has criticized as leading to further escalation. Meanwhile, on February 15, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the withdrawal of the military personnel participating in the maneuvers even before they were over.

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