Neuromed, successful aging post-Covid challenge

by time news

For over a year, the pandemic has monopolized the debate on health issues. But now is the time to look beyond Covid-19, to think about the phase in which the emergency will be left behind. And the legacy we will have to deal with is that of “a society that has neglected prevention, a price we could pay steep in the coming years”. And the reflection of the Irccs Neuromed of Pozzilli (Isernia) which invites us to plan post-Covid by facing “the greatest challenge: successful aging, a topic closely linked to good life habits, those that in many cases have been upset precisely by the health crisis “.

The issue will be at the center of a virtual event scheduled for Wednesday 26 May at 4 pm, which will be broadcast on Neuromed’s Facebook page and YouTube channel. The occasion is the presentation of the book ‘Aging well’ written by Silvio Garattini, founder and president of the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research, in collaboration with Ugo Lucca, head of the Geriatric Neuropsychiatry Laboratory of the same Institute. The direct participation will be made by the two authors, the president of Irccs di Pozzilli Giovanni de Gaetano, and Licia Iacoviello, director of the Department of Epidemiology and Neuromed Prevention, who collaborated in the drafting of one of the chapters of the work. Partner of the meeting the Neuromed Foundation and Federanziani Senior Italia.

The volume “addresses all the factors that come into play in determining, for each of us, what our old age will be like”, underline from Neuromed. “Professor Garattini’s book – says de Gaetano – is a real manual that, step by step, accompanies us in all those habits that, at any stage of our life, we can adapt to the best. Physical activity, nutrition, intellectual vivacity, interpersonal relationships are the capital that we deposit in our health current account day after day. Bombarded with information that is often incomplete, if not conflicting, readers will find the clarity and simplicity that have always characterized the world. to communicate the founder of Mario Negri “.

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