New constitution. Soon at the end of March, will Dansa keep his word? 2024-03-20 08:39:49

by time news

The president of the National Transition Council (CNT), Dansa Kourouma, on the sidelines of the Donors’ Round Table, announced that he would unveil the first drafts of the new constitution “next month”. As time passes faster than ink on parchment, we wonder: where the hell is this constitution?

Since that thunderous announcement in Dubai last February, the calendars have unwound like cogs in a broken clock, with only 12 days remaining before the end of March. And yet, Guineans still wait, like children scanning the sky for Santa Claus, but instead they see only the constitutional void.

The Transition Charter assigns to the CNT the sacred mission of developing and submitting for adoption by referendum the draft constitution. Instead of getting to work, the legislature appears to be falling behind its own schedule.

Many analysts and opponents of the CNRD cannot help but wonder if this new constitution is not simply a ploy to keep the military in power. After all, why bother reinventing the constitutional wheel when you can simply dust off an old constitution already adopted by referendum?

In the meantime, the No. 1 of the CNT, who seems to have forgotten that he was appointed by a head of state who came to power through a putsch, continues to strut around as if he were the president of an elected parliament.

Ultimately, as March draws to a close, Guineans are still waiting, their constitutional hopes hovering somewhere between illusion and reality. Maybe one day Dansa will emerge from her magic hat with a new constitution. Or maybe it will just be a rabbit.

2024-03-20 08:39:49

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