New judicial setback for the “polisario” and its (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-06-21 15:59:10

New judicial setback for the “polisario” and its relays in France

June 21, 2023

A Judgment of the Tarascon Court condemns a French trade union organization used in the judicial harassment of the Morocco-EU agricultural agreement.

• A few weeks after the setback inflicted by the High Court in London, the Court of Tarascon (France) in turn handed down, on June 14, a judicial decision in which it condemns the Confédération Paysanne – a French agricultural union known for its alignment with the theses of thepolisario“. The Confédération Paysanne is behind the legal harassment of the agricultural agreement in France.

• In April 2014, the Confédération Paysanne brought legal action before the Tarascon commercial court against the company IDYL – a company specializing in the marketing of fruit and vegetables from Morocco, including the Southern Provinces. The action of the Confédération Paysanne purported to prohibit this company from distributing these products and condemn it to the courts (penalties and damages for alleged harm suffered).

• The Court’s decision completely repudiated the Confédération Paysanne on the whole line, in favor of the IDYL Company.

• IDYL succeeded in exposing during the trial, that the legal action brought in the name of the Confédération Paysanne, is in reality only the action of a minority not representative of the Organization, and which has no way not standing to sue. Beyond the procedural aspects, this is a real blacklisting of certain leaders of the Confédération Paysanne, who do not hesitate to circumvent the organization’s own regulations, with the sole aim of carrying out hostile political activism. in Morocco. In a real denial of democracy, they hijacked the legitimate authorities of the Confédération Paysanne and violated the will of its members.

• IDYL claimed that the legal action of the Confédération Paysanne was not admissible. Because it was subject to prescription of regulatory deadlines. The Court ruled in favor of IDYL, ruling that the limitation period has indeed passed. This confirms that the aims of the Confédération Paysanne were hostile political activism, and not legitimate legal action.

• On this basis, the Court condemned the Confédération Paysanne, thus granting a legal victory to the IDYL Company, which stigmatized the manipulations indulged in by certain relays of the “polisario“, in the interests of well-known parties, and for purely political reasons.

• This condemnation of the Confédération Paysanne by the Court of Tarascon constitutes indeed a new defeat for the circles hostile to Morocco. The Confédération paysanne (of which the activist José Bové is a member) has repeatedly demonstrated its hostility and its dogmatic alignment with the theses of “polisario“.

• By attacking the agricultural agreement, the Confédération Paysanne was not seeking to assert so-called rights, but simply to exploit, out of pure opportunism, an artificial controversy sparked by the Polisario.

• The court’s judgment only confirms the truth and confirms Morocco’s rights. This judgment confirms, once again, the legitimacy of the action of the Kingdom in its southern provinces and the compliance of the development of natural resources with international legality.

• The Tribunal’s judgment agrees with the position that Morocco has always expressed with regard to the indisputable legality of the Agreements concluded with its international partners and the need to ensure their legal certainty.

• The judgment of the Court of Tarascon is satisfactory. He did not recognize the Confédération Paysanne and those who pull the strings, no right of citizenship with regard to the economic development of the southern provinces.

• The Tribunal did not allow itself to be drawn into the trap set by the Confédération Paysanne. He refused to comment on the merits of the case. By this judgement, the Confédération Paysanne is challenged and brought back to its real dimension.

• Economic relations between Morocco and the EU in the agricultural sectors are favored by history and geographical proximity, which make their respective markets first-rate outlets for Moroccan and European products.

•Since the entry into force of the agreement, it has been implemented using a mutually beneficial approach, as confirmed by the various reports drawn up by the European Commission.

• In addition to complying with international law and European law, the decision of the Court of Tarascon confirms a bottom line and consolidates the case law established, only a few weeks ago, by the High Court of London . The latter had, in fact, dismissed the “polisario“and irrevocably confirmed the legality of the agreements concluded by Morocco and covering its southern provinces.


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