new lockdown: Fast spreading corona New strain: Curfew soon? – who warns coronavirus mutant xe could be spread fast

by time news
For people around the world who have been plunged into a severe crisis by the corona virus, new hope has now been born with the corona vaccine. Meanwhile, new self-adapting corona strains are being discovered that can spread faster than an already spreading virus.

In this case, the new strain of corona virus XE is spreading around the world. The World Health Organization has warned that it could spread rapidly.

The World Health Organization says that the new strain of corona virus, XE, is 10 percent more likely to spread than the PA2 subtype of the omega-3 virus. To date, the PA2 subtype of omega has been considered the most serious of the corona viruses. If new research on XE is confirmed, it could be a more serious form of corona. ” It has been reported that.
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A new variant of corona virus called XE has been reported to be a mutated mixture of two variants of omega-3, PA1 and PA2. It was discovered in the UK last January. A similar strain has been found in countries such as France, Denmark, and Belgium.

As the impact of the corona epidemic around the world is seen to be diminishing, this announcement by the World Health Organization has caused fear among the population. Already during the third wave of the corona i.e. the impact of the omega, various countries around the world imposed curfew restrictions to control it.

It is noteworthy that there are fears among the public that curfews will be imposed again as the new strain spreads even faster than it is now.

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