New Research Exposes the Overinflation of Alprazolam (Xanax XR) Efficacy: Implications for Prescribing Practices

by time news

Title: New Research Questions Efficacy of Popular Sedative Alprazolam (Xanax XR)

Subtitle: Study Suggests Publication Bias Inflated Drug’s Effectiveness by Over 40%

Date: October 23, 2023

A recently published study in the journal Psychological Medicine has raised concerns about the effectiveness of alprazolam (Xanax XR), a commonly prescribed sedative. The research suggests that the efficacy of alprazolam may have been inflated by publication bias, casting doubt on the drug’s true effectiveness.

Alprazolam, a type of sedative known as a benzodiazepine, has been widely prescribed since the 1970s to treat conditions such as anxiety and insomnia. However, in recent years, benzodiazepines have come under scrutiny for their association with clinical risks, including dependence, withdrawal, falls, and cognitive impairment.

Led by senior author Erick Turner, M.D., a professor of psychiatry at the Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine and former FDA reviewer, the study examined published and unpublished data from five randomized controlled clinical trials reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The researchers found that of the five trials conducted, only three had been published in medical journals. When the FDA reviewed the trial results comparing the drug’s efficacy with a placebo, they found that only one trial had a clearly positive outcome. Using meta-analysis, the researchers concluded that the published data had inflated the drug’s efficacy by over 40%.

Dr. Turner emphasized that while benzodiazepines’ safety issues are well-known, this study challenges the assumption of their effectiveness. He urged caution among clinicians and patients, particularly for those who have not previously used benzodiazepines.

The study’s findings are of significant clinical relevance, as benzodiazepines continue to be commonly prescribed to a wide range of patients. Experts believe that the results may lead to a reconsideration of treatment options for anxiety and insomnia, prompting a reevaluation of the risks and benefits associated with alprazolam.

It is important to note that alprazolam, like other benzodiazepines, should be used under medical supervision due to the potential risks of dependence and withdrawal.

Further research and discussions among medical professionals and regulatory agencies will be necessary to determine the implications of this study and its potential impact on prescribing practices related to alprazolam.

“Unpublished trials of alprazolam XR and their influence on its apparent efficacy for panic disorder” by Rosa Y. Ahn-Horst and Erick H. Turner, Psychological Medicine, DOI: 10.1017/S0033291723002830.

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