New resumption of Brazilian Cinema – Investments in the Audiovisual Sector

by time news

2023-11-01 15:21:10

The panorama of Brazilian cinema, with its cultural richness and unique narratives, plays a crucial role in representing the complexity and diversity of Brazilian society. This has been highlighted in recent years, driven by the growth of streaming platforms and the growing demand for local content and global. In this context, Brazil has stood out as a growing market, attracting investments significant of industry giantsas well as government and regulatory bodies.

New Investments

The National Cinema Agency (Ancine) and the Ministry of Culture (MinC) have historically played fundamental roles in supporting Brazilian audiovisual. In September 2023, an investment of R$2.4 billion in the audiovisual sector, coming from the Audiovisual Sector Fund (FSA) and Incentive Laws. This financial contribution covers not only the production of films, series and television programs, but also the preservation of rooms cinema across the country.

Furthermore, the investment encompasses the feasibility of more than 250 projects cinematographic through Public Calls. There is also a notice of R$90 million intended for video on demand (VOD), scheduled for release in May, and approximately R$20 million intended for international partnerships and agreements for the internationalization of content.

O audiovisual sector Brazilian also received additional support for small exhibitorswith a total amount of R$6 millionaiming at the maintenance and operation of cinema halls, especially in small cities, at a key moment of public recovery. The investment also includes financing for new studios, technical infrastructure and movie theaters.

Added to this, the agency is working on regulations to enlarge the presence of independent Brazilian content on TV and streaming platforms. The body plans to renew the “Screen Quota” and regulate the provision of information by economic agents in the video on demand segment.

Investments for international productions made in São Paulo

An initiative supported by the City of São Paulo, supported by the state government, offers financial incentives for international productions held in the city, representing an important milestone in the consolidation of the audiovisual industry. This “cash rebate”, a common practice in many countries, expands the capacity of local producers. With substantial investments through the Paulo Gustavo Law and the FSA, Brazilian audiovisual is in a unique position to compete globally in the future, shoulder to shoulder with powers such as the USA, Spain and South Korea.

Gigantes do Streaming

On the other hand, the entry of streaming giantssuch as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+, has transformed the way Brazilian content is created and consumed. These platforms not only invested in local productions, but they also opened the doors for Brazilian content to be appreciated globally. National series and films, which previously had a restricted audience, now reach viewers around the worldencouraging creators to develop narratives that are both rooted in Brazilian culture and appeal to foreign audiences.

Netflix, one of the largest streaming platforms in the world, has been very important in the development of the Brazilian audiovisual market, despite the challenges faced by the streaming industry in recent years. In September 2023, the company announced an investment of R$1 billion for the period from 2023 to 2024, with special focus on the production of Brazilian soap operas and seriesrecognizing the potential of these contents on the global stage.

Netflix Brazil’s vice president of content, Elizabetta Zenatti, highlighted the company’s commitment to providing high-quality entertainment, with a wide variety of productions ranging from series and films to documentaries and reality shows. An example would be the launch of a miniseries about the life of Ayrton Sennawhich promises to be the production most expensive ever carried out by the company in Brazil. This strategy seeks not only to attract new subscribers, but also to raise the quality standard of audiovisual productions in the country.

The importance of Regulation

The regulation of streaming platforms is an important topic of discussion. Both Ancine and the Interstate Audiovisual Industry Union (Sivac) emphasize the need to regulate the sector, mainly to guarantee the presence of independent Brazilian content on platforms. This is essential to promote cultural diversity and protect copyright in the country. Regulation can also influence the participation of national productions on platforms, opening up space for local content in a market often dominated by foreign productions. The discussion about the regulation involves economic, cultural and political issues, seeking to find a balance that benefits content creators and viewers.

Value of Brazilian Audiovisual beyond figures

That the value of audiovisual transcends the screens, positively impacting the economy with a lower environmental impact compared to other sectors, we already know. Around 67% of investments in film production benefit sectors such as hotels, food and legal services, highlighting the interconnectedness of the economy.

A Brazilian cultural economy It is so significant that it even surpasses the contribution of the automobile industry to GDP, classifying audiovisual as the fifth most relevant sector in economic terms, surpassing areas such as pharmaceuticals and textiles. It is essential to continue developing talent, improving infrastructure and facilitating access to credit lines to promote sustainable growth in the Brazilian audiovisual industry.

In an interview with the platform Living Fabricthe producer Fabiano Gullane says he believes that Brazil is ready to face larger-scale challenges and enter more robust budgets, through collaboration between independent producers and large streaming platforms. He emphasizes the importance of a second cycle of audiovisual policies that increase budgets, promote partnerships and establish rules for large international platforms.

With this solid support, the Brazilian audiovisual industry has a promising future ahead, reaffirming its fundamental role in culture and economy of the country. The dedication and resilience of the Brazilian production community are the true drivers of this movement, ready to tell stories that resonate globally and reflect the essence of Brazil.

Text: Leandro Reis.

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