New Scanning Method Makes Testing Cancer Drugs Easier by Detecting Previously Undetectable Tumors: Transparent Mouse Plays a Key Role

by time news

2023-07-10 23:57:14
New Scanning Method Allows Detection of Previously Undetectable Tumors

Scientists have presented a groundbreaking new scanning method that could revolutionize cancer drug testing. This innovative technique makes it possible to detect tumors that were previously too small to be detected, with the help of a transparent mouse.

The research team, led by Professor Ali Ertürk, had previously achieved the feat of making a dead mouse transparent back in 2018. However, it is only now that they have published a practical application of this technique in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Biology.

By using specific chemicals, the team has managed to make certain tissues visible, enabling them to be examined in detail. According to Professor Ertürk, their method provides a level of detail far beyond what existing scanning techniques can achieve. For instance, it can reveal cancerous tumors that have only recently emerged.

“Traditional scanning techniques such as MRI and PET scans would only show you large tumors. With our method, we can visualize and study tumors consisting of a single cell,” Professor Ertürk explained in an interview with the BBC. He further emphasized that the inability of current drugs to target these small tumors has led to cases where cancer can resurface after a few years.

Furthermore, the unprecedented breakthrough in making a body transparent has far-reaching implications. In theory, this new method can be applied to any animal, including humans. This means that human tissue or organs could also be made transparent, allowing for more accurate and detailed examinations.

To render the mice transparent, the scientists remove all fats and pigment from the body through a chemical process. As a result, the mouse’s body takes on the appearance of a clear plastic toy, as described by Professor Ertürk during the BBC interview.

This groundbreaking research presents a promising future for cancer diagnosis and treatment. By enabling the detection of minuscule tumors, scientists can develop targeted drugs that address the root of the disease. The novel scanning method brings hope for improved patient outcomes and a potentially significant reduction in cancer recurrence rates.]
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