news, 5,000 US soldiers arrive

by time news

In Afghanistan hit by the advance of the Taliban today, with news continuously updated, another 5,000 US soldiers will arrive. US President Joe Biden announced the deployment of an additional 5,000 troops “to ensure we can ensure an orderly and safe withdrawal of US and other allied personnel and an orderly and safe evacuation of the Afghans who aided our troops during our mission, in addition to those particularly at risk for the Taliban advance ”.

Biden is also announcing a series of actions aimed at securing a de-escalation in the country. Among these, the one aimed at the intelligence community “to ensure that we will maintain the capacity and vigilance to face future terrorist threats from Afghanistan”, the assignment to Secretary of State Tony Blinken to support the Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, and the message to Taliban representatives in Doha “that any action by them on the ground in Afghanistan, which puts US personnel or our mission there at risk, will be met with a swift and strong military response”.

“When I took office I inherited an agreement defined by my predecessor – who invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of September 11, 2019 – that left the Taliban in the strongest militarily position since 2001 and imposed the deadline of May 1, 2021 “the withdrawal of US forces”, Biden’s words referring to the actions of Donald Trump. “Shortly before leaving office,” Trump “also brought US forces down to only 2,500 units. Therefore, when I became president, I faced a choice: to continue according to the agreement, with a short extension for the safe departure of our forces and the forces of our allies, or to increase our presence and send more American troops to fight. once again in a civil conflict from another country. I was the fourth president in office during the presence of American troops in Afghanistan: two Republicans, two Democrats. I would not, and will not, pass this war to a fifth. “

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